Why are folk worrying about the NYTimes dumbass article about black women. They lost which is why they are throwing little mud pies on the playground. Whining and defending a weak position is the last recourse left to losers. You see because Shonda has won...that's why they are mad and distracting us from the fact...that Shonda has won....using their business tactics: put white folks in the leads, black folks in the smaller, strong supporting roles and make them stars and then when she got enuf street cred (meaning number one shows which no matter how racist corp America is, they follow the money), then cast Black women as the center of the shows...now she has changed the way other folks write TV and has black women (plural bitches...that's phenomenal and unprecedented) as leads on primetime...I don't see any white girls and white writers building a dynasty like this...we won...folks, don't not let them win by paying attention to this foolishness...whining is for the losers...hence the NYTimes is whining...Shonda won...
Let's not miss winning the war worrying about minor meaningless battles unless you secretly believe what they said about us in that article (which I understand, I did for many years and then I got a doctor to help me undo that brainwashing, inbox for her number)...I don't need to defend my black features, I just need to be in a position to hire people who look like me and fuck somebody else's standards......I got over that...that would be the only reason for entertaining that bullshit...You better crack open a bottle, watch TV tonite and pay attention to the advertisers during Shonda's show becaue those are the only companies where we should be spending our money: companies that spent good, hard billions to put our story on primetime...